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Steve Shelew *
(619) 296-2101 phone 1
[email protected]

* key contact


Keywords: Suburban

General Notes: updated 10/18/07 LZ - contact for updates when opens 1.10.2023 bd / emailed for updates 10.9.2023 bd / Updated 12/13/23 J.Jackson Landscape = Suburban Number of Stories = 3 to 5 Period Match = 1930's - 40's Point of Entry = Circular Drive Regional Match = Mid-Atlantic States Regional Match = Midwest Regional Match = New England States Type = Hotel

Jurisdictions: San Diego, SAN DIEGO (CITY) FILM OFFICE - FLICS

Within 30-Mile Studio Zone: N

State Property: N

Closed/Vacant: N

Location Details

Lafayette Hotel

United States / San Diego, California
Location ID: #404
This 1930’s style hotel has a circular entryway with 3-d stories.

Location Category:

  • ACCOMMODATIONS - Resorts & Spas
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